In Hyderabad, AlgoBharat, an initiative by the Algorand Foundation aimed at India, has introduced its Startup Lab program in partnership with T-Hub, a prominent Indian incubator. This year-long initiative aims to support 20 promising Web3 startups in achieving readiness for product development, market penetration, and securing funding. The program offers intensive technical and business guidance, along with access to pre-seed funding, to the chosen startups. Algorand Foundation and T-Hub have commenced the application process for startup teams across India, who are developing innovative Web3 solutions. Applications will remain open until March 15, 2024, with the selected teams to be announced on March 18. The program will kick off on March 22 at T-Hub's innovation center in Hyderabad. The Startup Lab emphasizes solutions leveraging blockchain technology to enhance transparency and inclusivity in various sectors such as healthcare, supply chain management, sustainability, financial inclusion, and agriculture. Startups achieving significant milestones become eligible for pre-seed funding from the Algorand Foundation's India fund.
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