In February 2024, Jitesh Bajaj made a daring choice that most people would hesitate to contemplate. After building an impressive career at major corporations like Bank of America, Accenture, and Tesco, Jitesh decided to walk away from his high-paying role.
He left the corporate world to pursue a vision: revolutionizing India’s startup ecosystem, driving innovation, and enabling Indian startups to tackle global challenges from within the country.
A Bold Move Forward:
Born and raised in Delhi, Jitesh’s father ran a successful home appliance manufacturing business. After completing his studies at Delhi University and briefly working in the family business, he embarked on a nearly 20-year journey in the corporate sector, where he thrived.
However, despite his financial and professional accomplishments, Jitesh felt something was missing. Observing the fast growth of India’s startup scene, he noticed a critical gap.
“Indian startups have largely been inspired by Western ideas. I realized it was time for India to take the lead with original, groundbreaking innovations,” Jitesh Bajaj said in an exclusive interview with Startup Pedia.
For someone with Jitesh’s experience, the transition from the security of corporate life to the uncertainty of entrepreneurship was a courageous step. Yet, the timing couldn't have been more ideal.